Braune Indonesia

Assalamualaikum wr wb. I am proud to present my clothing label named Braune Indonesia. I love brown so much and I wanted to stay in Germany someday (even though only for school or holiday). So, I combined both with Braune. Braune in German means "warna coklat". I took Indonesia for my label because I was born and grew up in Indonesia, many lessons I learned during this time in Indonesia. I love this country.

Braune Indonesia's Logo
I design the clothes from good and comfortable material with simple model but still pretty and modest when women wear my product which can be integrated with hijab or not. I put out a new model about three to four months. I sell a some veils, shirts, and pants. I hope my clothing label can be accepted and liked by public and sold well, Aamiin. 

My goals: be a pharmacist and young enterpreneur. There is nothing wrong with trying, right? :)

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, good luck for me! xoxo

And last, please follow and order to: 
Instagram: braune.indonesia
Whats App: 085220406755
Official Line: @ala2963w
Shopee: braune.indonesia



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